
Teach Your Child How to Use a Dictionary

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1. Introduce the dictionary: Start by explaining what a dictionary is and its purpose. Show your child a physical dictionary. Explain that dictionaries contain words, their meanings, pronunciations, and sometimes additional information like word origins.

2. Help your child understand that words in a dictionary are arranged alphabetically. Practice with simple word lists or alphabet cards. Emphasize the importance of knowing the order of letters in the alphabet to locate words in the dictionary. Show your child how using the guide words at the top of the page can help speed up finding your word.

3. Practice pronunciation: Teach your child how to read pronunciation symbols in the dictionary. Practice pronouncing words together, paying attention to vowel sounds.

4. Encourage your child to look up words they encounter while reading or during conversations. Provide assistance as needed, but allow them to locate the word independently once they’re able to. Praise their efforts and reinforce correct usage

Kristen HarperTeach Your Child How to Use a Dictionary
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How to Help Your Child Learn About the 50 States

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Start by introducing your child to a map of the United States, pointing out each state and its location. You can use songs or rhymes to help him remember the names of the states. Make it a hands-on experience by incorporating flashcards, puzzles, and interactive games that challenge him to match states with their capitals. Encourage exploration by sharing interesting facts and discussing the unique features and their landmarks. Regular review and practice will help solidify knowledge of the states over time. With patience, you can inspire your child’s curiosity about the world around him.

Kristen HarperHow to Help Your Child Learn About the 50 States
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The Link Between Nutrition and Education

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A crucial aspect that often goes overlooked in the quest for academic excellence is nutrition. Nutrition plays a pivotal role in shaping your child’s cognitive development, concentration, and overall ability to learn. Nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are essential for brain development and maintenance.

Inadequate nutrition can lead to cognitive impairments, reduced attention spans, and difficulty in processing information—all of which can hamper a student’s ability to learn effectively.

Nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, found in foods like fish, nuts, and seeds, are essential for building and maintaining brain cell membranes. Additionally, choline, present in eggs and leafy greens, is crucial for memory and cognitive function.

Balanced blood sugar levels are essential for maintaining focus and concentration. Consuming complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains and fruits, provides a steady supply of glucose to the brain, preventing energy crashes and the inability to concentrate. Nutrition also has a profound impact on mood and behavior. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins can contribute to better emotional regulation and overall well-being.

One of the most crucial aspects of nutrition in education is breakfast. Often referred to as the most important meal of the day, a breakfast with a balance of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats provides the brain with the energy it needs to kick-start your child’s day. 

Kristen HarperThe Link Between Nutrition and Education
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Ways to Help Your Child with Spelling

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  1. Drill daily: Make sure your child is keeping in the work to improve and progressively getting better day by day as he trains to become a better speller.
  2. Encourage spelling: Always acknowledge good work and remind him to keep it up. If he ever loses confidence, be willing to work with him and make learning more enjoyable.
  3. Make spelling fun: Incorporate games in the activities. Learning to spell will be much more fun when your child is able to look forward to games that will help with his progress.
  4. Let your child move at his own pace: Never rush him to learn anything that he’s not getting. Every child has his own gradient. Allow him to process what he is learning at his own pace. It is also important to recognize his progress. Don’t keep him on a spelling level that he has already spent enough time drilling. Acknowledge his progress and allow him to move on once he’s ready.
Kristen HarperWays to Help Your Child with Spelling
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Back-to-School Tax-Free Shopping!

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Today begins a two-week Sales Tax Holiday so you can save on school supplies!

Items that qualify:

*Most school supplies selling for $50 or less

*Learning aids and jigsaw puzzles selling for $30 or less

*Clothing, footwear and accessories selling for $100 or less

*Computers and related accessories selling for $1,500 or less (when purchased for non-commercial and personal use)

Kristen HarperBack-to-School Tax-Free Shopping!
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Ways to Improve Your Child’s Reading Skills

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  1. Read aloud together: Make it a habit to read aloud to your child every day. This helps them develop a love for reading and exposes them to a variety of vocabulary and storytelling styles.
  2. Set aside daily reading time: Have them choose a convenient time each day to read independently. Encourage them to choose books from genres that they enjoy and find most interesting.
  3. Create a reading-friendly environment: Set up a cozy reading nook in your home with comfortable seating, good lighting, and a selection of age-appropriate books. Make sure it is a quiet and distraction-free space, where your child can concentrate on reading.
  4. Visit the library regularly: Take them to the library on a regular basis and let them choose their own books. Librarians can also recommend age-appropriate books and help your child find topics they are interested in.
  5. Encourage writing and storytelling: Encourage your child to write their own stories, poems, or journal entries. This helps them develop their writing skills and allows them to express their creativity.
  6. Be a reading role model: Make sure that your child knows why reading is so important and that they are going to need it in life. Encourage them to keep reading and to find the definition of any misunderstood words so they can always understand what they’re reading.
Kristen HarperWays to Improve Your Child’s Reading Skills
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Help Your Child Study at Home

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1. Establishing a regular study routine is key to helping your child develop good study habits. Set aside a specific time each day for studying and make sure your child sticks to it.

2. Create a distraction-free environment for your child to study in. This could be a quiet room in the house or a specific desk or table. Make sure the area is well lit and free of distractions such as video games, television, and cell phones.

3. Praise your child for their efforts and recognize their successes. Let them know that you are there to support them and offer guidance and assistance when needed.

4. Encourage your child to take notes, review their material regularly, and break large tasks into smaller chunks.

5. Every child has a unique learning style. Be aware of your child’s learning style and accommodate it when helping them with their academic work.

6. Make sure your child enjoys learning. Find ways to make it fun and engaging for them. This could include incorporating games.

7. Ensure your child always has an age-appropriate dictionary to hand and knows how to look up any misunderstood words.

Kristen HarperHelp Your Child Study at Home
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5 Fun Science Activities to Do with Your Child

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1. Create an Edible Aquifer – Use different layers of items such as fruits and vegetables to show an example of how water moves through an aquifer.

2. Make a Tornado in a Bottle – Create a small tornado in a bottle by adding water, dish soap and a few drops of food coloring to a large bottle and swishing it around with the cap on.

3. Grow a Bean Plant – Growing a bean plant is a great introductory science activity to explore the life cycle on a small scale.

4. Create a Volcano – Create a volcano using a bottle, clay, and baking soda and vinegar to explore chemical reactions.

5. Create an Electric Motor – Build a motor using a battery, magnet, wire, and a nail to explore the concepts of electromagnetism.

Kristen Harper5 Fun Science Activities to Do with Your Child
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Fun Ways To Practice Addition

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Fun ways to practice adding with your child:

1. Make an adding game using cards or pieces of paper with numbers written on them. Have your child pick two cards or pieces of paper and add the numbers together.

2. Create a number line on the floor with tape. Help your child move along the line to add the numbers together.

3. Use everyday objects like blocks, toys or even food for your child to add together.

4. Show your child different addition problems and have him/her draw pictures to represent the problems.

5. Games like Monopoly and Yahtzee can be used to teach basic addition skills. Have your child practice adding up their money for purchases or the score of their roll.

6. Create a game board with different squares and when the child lands on a square have them solve an addition problem.

Kristen HarperFun Ways To Practice Addition
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