March 2024

Teach Your Child How to Use a Dictionary

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1. Introduce the dictionary: Start by explaining what a dictionary is and its purpose. Show your child a physical dictionary. Explain that dictionaries contain words, their meanings, pronunciations, and sometimes additional information like word origins.

2. Help your child understand that words in a dictionary are arranged alphabetically. Practice with simple word lists or alphabet cards. Emphasize the importance of knowing the order of letters in the alphabet to locate words in the dictionary. Show your child how using the guide words at the top of the page can help speed up finding your word.

3. Practice pronunciation: Teach your child how to read pronunciation symbols in the dictionary. Practice pronouncing words together, paying attention to vowel sounds.

4. Encourage your child to look up words they encounter while reading or during conversations. Provide assistance as needed, but allow them to locate the word independently once they’re able to. Praise their efforts and reinforce correct usage

Kristen HarperTeach Your Child How to Use a Dictionary
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How to Help Your Child Learn About the 50 States

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Start by introducing your child to a map of the United States, pointing out each state and its location. You can use songs or rhymes to help him remember the names of the states. Make it a hands-on experience by incorporating flashcards, puzzles, and interactive games that challenge him to match states with their capitals. Encourage exploration by sharing interesting facts and discussing the unique features and their landmarks. Regular review and practice will help solidify knowledge of the states over time. With patience, you can inspire your child’s curiosity about the world around him.

Kristen HarperHow to Help Your Child Learn About the 50 States
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Why Exercise is Important for Children’s Education

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Regular exercise has been linked to improvements in skills like attention control and working memory. These cognitive abilities are essential for effective studying, problem-solving, and maintaining focus amidst distractions. Exercise can also positively influence sleep quality and duration which are critical factors in thinking clearly and concentration.

Incorporating regular physical activity into children’s routines can have profound benefits for their ability to study effectively. PE will always play an important role in our children’s lives and should be included in their regular routines.

Kristen HarperWhy Exercise is Important for Children’s Education
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