May 2023

Help Your Child Study at Home

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1. Establishing a regular study routine is key to helping your child develop good study habits. Set aside a specific time each day for studying and make sure your child sticks to it.

2. Create a distraction-free environment for your child to study in. This could be a quiet room in the house or a specific desk or table. Make sure the area is well lit and free of distractions such as video games, television, and cell phones.

3. Praise your child for their efforts and recognize their successes. Let them know that you are there to support them and offer guidance and assistance when needed.

4. Encourage your child to take notes, review their material regularly, and break large tasks into smaller chunks.

5. Every child has a unique learning style. Be aware of your child’s learning style and accommodate it when helping them with their academic work.

6. Make sure your child enjoys learning. Find ways to make it fun and engaging for them. This could include incorporating games.

7. Ensure your child always has an age-appropriate dictionary to hand and knows how to look up any misunderstood words.

Kristen HarperHelp Your Child Study at Home
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5 Fun Science Activities to Do with Your Child

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1. Create an Edible Aquifer – Use different layers of items such as fruits and vegetables to show an example of how water moves through an aquifer.

2. Make a Tornado in a Bottle – Create a small tornado in a bottle by adding water, dish soap and a few drops of food coloring to a large bottle and swishing it around with the cap on.

3. Grow a Bean Plant – Growing a bean plant is a great introductory science activity to explore the life cycle on a small scale.

4. Create a Volcano – Create a volcano using a bottle, clay, and baking soda and vinegar to explore chemical reactions.

5. Create an Electric Motor – Build a motor using a battery, magnet, wire, and a nail to explore the concepts of electromagnetism.

Kristen Harper5 Fun Science Activities to Do with Your Child
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Fun Ways To Practice Addition

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Fun ways to practice adding with your child:

1. Make an adding game using cards or pieces of paper with numbers written on them. Have your child pick two cards or pieces of paper and add the numbers together.

2. Create a number line on the floor with tape. Help your child move along the line to add the numbers together.

3. Use everyday objects like blocks, toys or even food for your child to add together.

4. Show your child different addition problems and have him/her draw pictures to represent the problems.

5. Games like Monopoly and Yahtzee can be used to teach basic addition skills. Have your child practice adding up their money for purchases or the score of their roll.

6. Create a game board with different squares and when the child lands on a square have them solve an addition problem.

Kristen HarperFun Ways To Practice Addition
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