May 2024

Tips for Writing Your Own Story

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Plan out the main events and structure of your story. Decide on how the beginning, middle, and end will work together. You should also consider any major plot twists or turning points. An outline can help keep your story organized and focused as you write. Describe the setting and atmosphere of your story in vivid detail to make the world come alive for your readers. Instead of simply telling them what’s happening, you can show it through scenes of actions and dialogue. Remember that writing is a process and can take time. Keep experimenting with new ideas.

Kristen HarperTips for Writing Your Own Story
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Fun Homemade Lava Lamp Experiment For Kids

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The first thing you need is a clear jar or plastic bottle. Fill the bottle halfway with vegetable oil and add water to the top until it is almost full. After this is done, add at least five drops of food coloring. You will the need to take an Alka-Seltzer tablet and break it up into several pieces. The final step is to drop each piece in one at a time and watch as bubbles begin to form, activating your lava lamp.

Kristen HarperFun Homemade Lava Lamp Experiment For Kids
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Fun Games To Practice Geography

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1. Provide puzzles of different countries and challenge kids to assemble the puzzle pieces correctly to complete the map. This is a great way to improve their map-reading skills.

2. Call out the name of a place, and have the kids race to find it on the map or globe as quickly as possible. The first one to find it gets a point, and the player with the most points at the end wins.

3. Create bingo cards with names of countries, cities, and landmarks instead of numbers. Give clues about the places before calling the answer. Have the kids mark off the corresponding places on their bingo cards. The first to get a line or a full card wins.

Kristen HarperFun Games To Practice Geography
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Three Fun Addition Games For New Learners

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Memory: Create pairs of cards with addition problems and their solutions. Place the cards face down and take turns flipping over two cards at a time to find matches. If a player correctly matches an addition problem with its solution, they keep the pair. The player with the most matches at the end is the winner.

Bowling: Set up a bowling game using plastic bottles or cups as pins and a soft ball as the bowling ball. Write different numbers on the pins. Take turns rolling the ball to knock down the pins. Add up the numbers on the pins to keep track of your score.

Dice: Use dice to practice addition. Roll two dice and have your child count the total number of dots on both dice. Turn this into a game where you create a board with spaces. The number that you role is how many spaces you move your piece. Whoever makes it to the end wins.

Kristen HarperThree Fun Addition Games For New Learners
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Fun Activities Involving Math

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  1. Involve your child in cooking or baking activities that require measuring ingredients. This is a great way for him to practice using math skills while also learning how to make new foods. Have him help you measure and mix ingredients using measuring cups and spoons. This hands-on experience is great for  concepts like fractions and units of measurement in a practical context.
  1. Math Board Games: Play board games that incorporate math concepts, such as Monopoly, Snakes and Ladders, or Math Bingo. These games make learning fun and reinforce many different math subjects depending on which one you choose.
  1. Math Art Projects: Combine math and art by creating geometric shapes or patterns. Use materials like rulers and compasses to design and construct geometric artworks. Practicing geometry while creating art is a great way to do it.
Kristen HarperFun Activities Involving Math
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