Community Learning Center Blog

Parent Tip – Setting Goals

S.M.A.R.T. goals

How to be successful in school

To ensure your child’s success in school, goal-setting is a necessary beginning step!  When you and your child work on creating his academic goals, you should first find out what motivates and interests him.  The goals should line up with your child’s purpose so that he feels the value of achievement once the goals are met. 

  • Set a reasonable number of goals for your child to work on.  Overloading your child with too many targets could result in him not attempting to complete any of them.  Younger children especially benefit from a fewer number of goals set and often enjoy working on these goals one at a time.
  • Write the goals down. Simply stating the goals is not enough. Putting your child’s goals on paper makes them real.
  • Set S.M.A.R.T. goals!  S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym for the five steps to follow when setting goals:  Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-based.  It’s a simple tool used by individuals and businesses to move away from unsuccessful goal-setting and toward an actionable plan that gets results. 
Kristen HarperParent Tip – Setting Goals
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Fantastic seminar on Economics

Pat CloudenHow to Survive and Thrive in any Economy                  – a seminar by Pat Clouden


10:00am to 2:00pm
New Community Learning Center Building
1411 N Fort Harrison Ave, Clearwater, FL

$50 donation includes seminar and lunch and all of the donation goes to renovations for the new Community Learning Center building

Register Now

    • Find out what problem almost any person has in our society…and what the solution is!
    • Understand the “mystery” of inflation and deflation (it’s not as complicated as the “experts” want us to believe) and the TRUE basics of economics—the prerequisite to being cause over the subject.
    • Find out how to turn around a business that is contracting and rebuild it bigger than it ever was—no matter what the government or the bankers are doing.
    • Discover the TWO best things to do when times get tough so you can be free of the worries and stresses connected with losing income. Should you buy gold?
    • Learn how a man becomes a slave to his job and the simple thing you can do to become a free man again.
Kristen HarperFantastic seminar on Economics
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Parent Tip – Parent-Teacher Conferences

Sophie Chvanne and CLC student

Be prepared for your Parent-Teacher Conference

Parent-teacher conferences are a common part of a family’s educational experience.  They give parents an opportunity to increase communication between school and home and to develop a plan for your student’s future. Get the most out of these conferences by planning ahead and following these easy steps.  

Kristen HarperParent Tip – Parent-Teacher Conferences
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Fashion Show a Success!

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Dawn Shannon, Frances Newton, Matteo Perin and models -cropped

Fashion Show benefits Community Learning Center

Our Intuition Fashion Show fundraiser last Sunday was fun and fabulous! The beautiful models featured exquisite hair and makeup by Dawn Shannon’s Intuition Salon and Spa (featuring the amazing Kevin Murphy line of professional hair products). The models dressed in original Italian fashions and stylings from Matteo Perin’s new ROMA – N.Y.C. Boutique. Attendees also enjoyed raffles, giveaways and refreshments. Special thanks to ROMA – N.Y.C. for hosting this wonderful event! Also, thank you to Mana Mana restaurant for donating the delicious hors d’oeuvres for this event.  

Kristen HarperFashion Show a Success!
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Community Learning Center – Open House

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Open House this Thursday at the new

Community Learning Center!

WHEN:    Thursday, March 28, 2013 from 7-8:30 pm

WHERE:  1411 N Fort Harrison Ave, Clearwater, FL 33755

Presentation by Community Learning Center’s Executive Director Holly Haggerty at 7:30 pm on what is happening in education here in Pinellas and what we’re doing about it!

Kristen HarperCommunity Learning Center – Open House
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Parent Tip – FCAT Test Preparation

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kid taking testFCAT Vocabulary Help

Toward the end of every school year, students in 3rd grade through 10th grade are required to take the FCAT test.  FCAT stands for Florida Comprehensive Achievement Test.  An easy way to help your student improve his performance on the FCAT is to make sure all of the FCAT vocabulary is well understood.  

The following list of words was taken from an FCAT preparation book.  Start by defining the word strategy as a skillful plan to understand what is read.  Each week, have your child learn some of these words by defining the word in a way they understand and using it in sentences until they really get it.  Work on a part of the list each week until you finish the whole list.

Kristen HarperParent Tip – FCAT Test Preparation
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Fashion Show to benefit Tutoring Center

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Please join us on Sunday, March 24th at 6 PM for our Annual Intuition Fashion Show fundraiser! The event will be held at ROMA – N.Y.C. at 410 Cleveland Street in downtown Clearwater. Tickets are $5 general admission, $25 VIP seating and are available at Intuition, ROMA – N.Y.C. and the Community Learning Center. Need additional info, feel free to call us at (727) 441-4444.

Kristen HarperFashion Show to benefit Tutoring Center
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Community Learning Center Success

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CLC in Broward County recognized for excellence!

Eddie Powell, the Community Learning Center Program Director of Broward County, was honored by the Broward County School Board for his innovative “I Got Paid 2 Read 2” program.  This program motivated hundreds of students to turn off the TV and pick up a book!  Eddie brought together community business sponsors who provided the funding needed for the food, certificates, $2 bills and promotion of the program.

Eddie has run the Community Learning Center after-school tutoring program for the past two years.  The Community Learning Center state office in Clearwater is currently working with Eddie to establish an after-school program in Broward County which will provide leadership and character education as well as art and physical fitness.  Congratulations Eddie and Broward CLC!

Kristen HarperCommunity Learning Center Success
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Parent Success

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Brandon Luna pic

Clearwater Tutoring Services Success

“Before tutoring services, Brandon would cry when it was time to do his homework. He used to feel completely lost and would become very upset. He had an F on his report card in math and a D in reading and writing.”

“Shortly after he started his tutoring services, Brandon’s attitude started changing for the better. His teacher noticed that his self-esteem had greatly improved. Now, he does his homework without being asked and I don’t have any problems to handle. He pulled his math grade up to an A and his reading and writing grade up to a B! He is so much happier and feels smarter now.” – N.F. (mother)

Kristen HarperParent Success
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Parent Tip – Money

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Parents and “The Economy”

During this country’s troubling economic times, your family’s finances may often be a topic of dinnertime conversation. Parents, you can use these discussions to help your kids understand money and budgets. You can also help them take steps to prepare for their financial future.

The media frequently reports that the economy is in rough shape and many of us are impacted in some way. Find out what your children are hearing in school, on the news and from friends and answer any questions they may have. Use this opportunity to explain what your family may be doing to cut back on spending and find ways to involve your kids in this process, e.g. Mom explains that when she and Dad take the two kids to the movie theater it costs $34.00 for the tickets, but the kids can choose a movie from the DVD rental box for $1.00. Let the kids do the math and discover that this is a savings of $33.00 for the family. You can take this one step further by using the $33.00 you saved on movies to shop for groceries. When the children see that the “movie money” will buy milk, juice, eggs, yogurt, bread and meat for the family, they really get the idea that smart spending is key to future prosperity.

Kristen HarperParent Tip – Money
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