Community Learning Center Blog

What are little boys made of?

CLC StudentsWritten by:  Sharon Hillestad, Director of Tutoring

What are little boys made of? Snips and snails and puppy dog tails. That’s what little boys are made of. What are little girls made of? Sugar and spice and everything nice. That’s what little girls are made of.

This charming little ditty introduces an alarming report:  Why Are We Losing Our Boys? It appears that boys are having significantly less success in school than girls. Girls usually can handle little or no physical activity, early literacy instruction, and zero tolerance (discipline) policies better than boys.

The report is copyrighted by the Pinellas Education Foundation which was founded in 1986 and has raised more than $110 million dollars to support the students and teachers of Pinellas County Schools.

Boys are suffering, be they rich, poor, white, black, Asian, or Hispanic.

The sons of college-educated parents suffer. Almost 25% of high school graduate sons of white, college educated parents have “below basic” reading levels compared to 7% of the girls. This means that almost one in four boys who have college educated parents cannot read a newspaper with understanding and will not make it in college. 

Kristen HarperWhat are little boys made of?
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Speed of Now seminar

Tony MelvinTHE SPEED OF NOW–a seminar with Tony Melvin!

You will learn how to:

          • Create an automated lead generation and sales process (he’ll actually show you how to build a system live in the workshop!)
          • Find the exact online systems you can use (most are free!)
          • Systematically boom your business and turn it into a money-making machine
          • Use 3 key ingredients to create a business that works without you (so you can focus on expansion or have the freedom to do what you want)

Training location (and for more info): 

Community Learning Center
1411 N. Fort Harrison Ave
 Clearwater, FL 33755 
Date: Saturday, Nov. 22, 2014
Time: 10 am to 2 pm 
Cost: $75
Monthly sponsors and non-profits come for FREE! 
Please RSVP by calling us at (727) 441-4444 ext. 1007.
Kristen HarperSpeed of Now seminar
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Why Johnny Can’t Read–a Book that Started a War

Why Johnny Can't Read book coverWhy Johnny Can’t Read–a Book that Started a War

Written by Sharon Hillestad, Director of Tutoring

Dr. William Gray, editor of the Dick and Jane reading books for elementary children, successfully squashed the teaching of phonics and the first scientific reading program, Let’s Read, in the 1940s (see previous blog post). The debate on what was the best way to teach reading moved out of academia and into the public arena because of Dr. Rudolf Flesch, a scholar, professor, and grandfather.

Rudolph Flesch knew that several children, including his own grandson, were having trouble learning to read. By interviewing teachers, visiting colleges and researching curriculum, he discovered the cause of reading difficulties. Colleges were training novice teachers not to teach phonics; experienced classroom teachers were being pressured to abandon teaching phonics; phonic curriculum was no longer available to teachers.

In 1955 he wrote a book, Why Johnny Can’t Read. In it, he described how children were being taught to memorize words. Teachers were not skilled in teaching students to sound out words and that this was causing a decline of literacy. Why Johnny Can’t Read was a best-selling book. The author received letters from teachers all over the country confirming his assertion that teachers could no longer teach all children to read. 

Kristen HarperWhy Johnny Can’t Read–a Book that Started a War
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How Dr. William Gray Ruined Reading Instruction

Sharon Hillestad with Let's Read books -croppedAn excerpt from the book The Reading War

Written by Sharon Hillestad, Director of Tutoring

There happened an event that had a devastating impact on our nation. It was not loud and bloody; it was quiet and covert. This is a true story:

In the 1920’s, a boy was about to fail first grade. He felt stupid and didn’t want to read, because he couldn’t. His father was Leonard Bloomfield, a famous linguist, an expert on languages. Dr. Bloomfield decided to help his son learn how to read by creating 72 lists of words based on their structure (phonics).

Dr. Bloomfield created word lists starting with CAT, HAT, RAT, etc and gradually his boy was able to read and spell words like PICTURE, LECTURE, CREATURE, ADVENTURE, and FURNITURE. After a while, he could read thousands of words and he loved reading books, because he could.

Dr. Bloomfield was overjoyed at the success of the reading lessons and gave the word lists to his old friend, Clarence Barnhart, who wrote and published dictionaries. Mr. Barnhart taught his son to read using the word lists. Then other New York families successfully taught their children from the lists of words based on the phonetic structure of words.

Mr. Barnhart and Dr. Bloomfield wanted to make the process of teaching reading easier for all teachers. They tried to get the colleges to show the word lists to students training to be teachers, but no college would do so.  

Kristen HarperHow Dr. William Gray Ruined Reading Instruction
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Public Speaking Seminar on June 28th

Joe Yazbeck -No Fear SpeakingJoe Yazbeck presents 
“No Fear Speaking” 
at the Community Learning Center!

Joe will deliver a compelling workshop on Saturday, June 28th on high-impact public speaking secrets to inspire and influence any audience. He will provide these easy-to-use tools – Speech Design, Speaker Magnetism and Inspiration – to improve you as a dynamic and confident speaker in business and in life. 
Workshop details:
Saturday, June 28, 2014
10am – 2pm
at the Community Learning Center
1411 N Fort Harrison Ave.
Clearwater, FL 33755
Cost: $75
Lunch is included.
Monthly sponsors of the CLC come for FREE!
For more information or to purchase tickets to this event, please call Kristen at (727) 441-4444 ext. 1007.
Kristen HarperPublic Speaking Seminar on June 28th
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Parent Tip – Reading at Dinnertime

Reading at Dinnertime

A message adapted from the Wall Street Journal 1980


At the dinner table

Read something

Out loud

To your family,

Tomorrow night

Let another member

Read something:

A news story,

A Bible verse, 

A poem,

A cereal box panel, 

History, Humor, 


Each night

Kristen HarperParent Tip – Reading at Dinnertime
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“How to Sell Anything!” seminar on Apr. 26th!

Patrick Valtin -croppedPlease join us this Saturday, April 26th from 10am – 2pm for Patrick Valtin’s seminar on

“How to Sell Anything!” 

Join Patrick for an intense training with invaluable tips on how to:

• Beat aggressive competitors and make sure your sales strategy is spot on
• Turn tough buyers into your most loyal customers by learning WHY they buy
• Master the Golden Rules of negotiation by knowing the KEY buying factors!

The seminar will be held at the Community Learning Center located at 1411 N Fort Harrison Avenue in Clearwater, FL 33755. Tickets are $75 or you can come for FREE if you are a $50 or more monthly sponsor of the CLC.

Please call Kristen at the Center at (727) 441-4444 ext. 1007 if you are interested in attending this fun and informative training!

Kristen Harper“How to Sell Anything!” seminar on Apr. 26th!
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Interesting article about psychology in our schools

How Psychology Made Its Way into Our Schools

Written by Sharon Hillestad, Director of Tutoring

William James, psychologist

William James

William James, 20th century philosopher, wrote, “The teachers of this country have its future in their hands.” Assuming William James is correct, we should be concerned not only about what our teachers are teaching, but also what they are being taught. Since college professors are the teachers of teachers, any examination of teachers should start with them.

William James had a mighty impact on American public education. He advocated professional training for teachers based on the then new “science” of psychology. He, along with John Dewey, forwarded “Progressive Education.”

Normal schools for teachers were established in 1835 and training to become a teacher only lasted a few weeks.  By 1859, these training centers were mostly controlled by those followers of John Dewey who were indoctrinated in German psychological theories. Training teachers became a longer affair. It stretched to two years.

I attended one of the last Normal Schools in Wisconsin.  I was certified to teach all eight grades and all subjects when I graduated after two years. Since I was aware that teachers would have to have a college degree soon, I decided to continue training at a state university.  I earned a four year degree in 1966; I was certified to teach grades one to four! Two more years of education and I was certified to teach half as many grades.  

Kristen HarperInteresting article about psychology in our schools
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Joy Gendusa seminar on Mar. 29th!

 “Marketing for Master Response

(Without Breaking the Bank)”

Saturday, March 29th 10am – 2pm

Joy Gendusa, founder and CEO of PostcardMania (an Inc. 500 company), will be on-hand to personally share the strategies she used to build her business organically from nothing, just a phone and computer, into a $22 million industry leader employing 196 staff locally and nationwide.

  • Joy Gendusa headshotHow can I generate quality leads week after week?
  • Why didn’t Google marketing work for me?
  • How can I leverage social media for better ROI?
  • How do I start (and succeed) with public relations?
  • Why isn’t my website producing more leads and sales?

WHEN: Saturday, March 29, 2014 10 am – 2 pm

WHERE: Community Learning Center 1411 N Fort Harrison Ave, Clearwater, FL

COST:  $75 or you may attend for FREE if you are a $50 or more monthly sponsor of the Community Learning Center! (As a monthly sponsor you can attend ALL of our seminars for free) All proceeds go to CLC

For questions, directions or to purchase tickets to this seminar, please call Kristen at the CLC at (727) 441-4444 ext. 1007.

Kristen HarperJoy Gendusa seminar on Mar. 29th!
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Books for Kids event a success!

Neal Fox book readingNeal Fox reads It’s Weird to Grow a Beard 

Author Neal Fox attended our March Free Books and Art for Kids event to do a book reading for our families. His book,  It’s Weird to Grow a Beard, is a collection of 17 funny and inspiring poems for kids of all ages.

Each child who attended the event was able to pick out five gently-used books to take home. They also enjoyed doing art, listening to music, playing Musical Chairs for prizes and eating baked goods donated by Frida’s Cafe and Bakery.

Kristen HarperBooks for Kids event a success!
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